On behalf of Tock customers, Tock handles all text messaging regulatory compliance requirements. Qualifying information must be provided within the Dashboard Tock Contact form in order to utilize text messaging via Tock.
Go to the Dashboard Business information page and scroll down to see the form:
Please be sure to fully fill out this form, adhering to these requirements:
- Full name must include a first and last name, and must be for an individual person, not a team or department, i.e. Bob Smith, not Marketing Team.
- Role or job title must be included.
- Email address must be for a website domain that is live, and matches the business name (as shown on Tock), i.e. @businessname.com, not @gmail.com.
- Alternatively, the email address domain may be for a parent company, but that parent company website must be live and include a link or clear representation of a relationship to the business name, as listed on Tock.
- Phone number must be filled out and valid.
The business must have a valid physical business address listed on the Dashboard Address page, including
- Street number
- Name
- City
- State
- Country
Leaving this form unfilled or failing to provide a valid physical business address may result in an interruption or cancellation of text messaging service via Tock. Please note, these compliance requirements are subject to change, set by both communication authorities and carriers, and are outside of Tock’s control.
Learn More
For more information on how to set up and use Tock’s messaging features, visit Setting up and Using Text Messaging.