Below are some frequently asked questions about using chit printers.

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Troubleshooting after set up



Can I print chits without a chit printer? 

Yes. Chits can be generated, downloaded, and printed to the inkjet printer connected to your device.

  1. From the Operations tab, click Chits.
  2. Select a date range, desired filters, and number of chits per page.
  3. Click Generate chits, then click View chits for [date] once the button populates. 
  4. On the next page, use the buttons in the top-right to download and print as needed.

Which chit printer should I purchase? 

Visit Connecting Chit Printers to view Tock's list of supported chit printers. 

Can I use an unsupported chit printer? 

You may be able to print using an unsupported printer; however, our team is unable to troubleshoot or provide recommendations for these printers. 

How do I figure out what kind of printer I have? 

Your printer model is located on the bottom of your printer. If there is no label on the bottom, reach out to for help reviewing your printer. 

How do I print a diagnostic chit? 

Hold down the printer’s feed button while restarting. This will trigger the printer to print a diagnostic chit. 

Does my network speed affect printing functionality? 

Depending on the connection type, network speed could have an impact on functionality. Your download speed should be at least 100 Mbps per device connected to the network. We recommend running a speed test and providing a screenshot of your speed test when reaching out to for assistance.

Can I use more than one type of printer? 

Having both iOS compatible printers and WebPRNT type printers within one physical business location can cause interference resulting in inconsistent printing. To avoid this, we recommend sticking with one printer type per location.

Troubleshooting After Setup  

How do I manually print on Tock? 

From either the Timeline or Service tabs, select any reservation. Within the reservation panel, click the printer icon to print a chit. If a chit does not print, visit Troubleshooting Chit Printers for troubleshooting tips. 


How do I set up the Auto-print feature for Tock To Go orders? 

Visit Enabling Automatic Chit Printing for To Go to learn more.

Will chits automatically print when seating guests? 

This feature can be enabled or disabled at your discretion.

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Settings.
  2. Click Printers.
  3. Switch the toggle to enable or disable this feature.


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