To access your business’ Tock Dashboard, you must first be listed on the Team page.

An Account Owner or Administrator can add you to the Team page and assign you role access. To learn more about the different types of role access, visit Adding and Managing Team members

After you’ve been added to the Team page, you’ll receive an email invitation from Tock prompting you to set up an account and password. 

From, log into your Tock Dashboard. Ensure you’re using the same login method you chose at sign up. You can log in using an email address and password, or through Apple, Facebook, or Google.


What if I forgot my password?  

If you forgot your password, click the Forgot Password link, or here to start the password recovery process. 

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What if I forgot my email address?

If you forgot the email address linked to your account, please reach out to a member of your team with Account Owner or Administrator role access. They’ll be able to access the Dashboard and verify the email address associated with your profile. 

What if I am a guest trying to make a reservation? 

If you’ve located the Tock Dashboard website but were hoping to make a reservation as a guest, you can find our consumer website here.

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