Note: Text messaging is not available on all plans. Please contact to learn more.

Sending SMS text messages allows you to communicate with your guests about their upcoming reservation. 

Turning text messages on or off

To turn on or off text messages:

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Settings.
  2. Click Text Messaging.
  3. Switch the toggle to on or off.

Understanding automated text messages

Reservation reminder

The reminder text message asks guests to confirm their reservation by replying “1”. A green checkmark will be added next to the reservation in the Guests list for confirmed bookings. Guests can cancel a free reservation by replying “9”. This message cannot be customized.

To enable reminder text messages:

    1. From the Control Panel tab, click Experiences.
    2. Click the Experience, click the Communication tab.
    3. Switch the Reminder text message toggle on.
    4. Select text messaging timing preferences.
    5. Click Save communication.

Walk-in guests

Guests who have been added to the walk-in list will automatically receive a text message confirming their addition and informing them they can remove their name from the waitlist by replying with “9”. This message cannot be customized.

Note: When guests have multiple bookings within a certain time range, guests see "11" instead of "1" or "19" instead of "9" to ensure they're confirming the correct reservation.

Sending custom messages

To send text messages to guests:

  1. From the Reservations tab, click Timeline or Service.
  2. Click the reservation from the list to message.
  3. Click the Message icon.
  4. Send a preset message or write a custom message.
  5. Click Send message.
 Note: Topics that are typically flagged by SMS carriers include personal user information, URLs and words or phrases related to alcohol, drugs or other adult content. Text messages containing any of the above may be blocked from delivery.

Using preset text messages

To create a preset text message:

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Settings.
  2. Click Text messaging.
  3. Add a preset message in the text box.
  4. Click Save.


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