This article outlines options to customize automated messages sent to your guests.

Updating default messages

Default messages apply to all of your offerings, unless you choose to customize messaging within each separate offering. Think of this as your global messaging. 

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Settings.
  2. Click Messages and emails.
  3. Update messaging as desired.

Updating messages for a specific offering

Override default messaging within each offering. For example, you may want to send messaging for a holiday event that differs from your default messaging.

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click ExperiencesEvents, or To Go.
  2. Select the offering, then click Communication.
  3. Customize, enable or disable messaging as desired.

Understanding communication methods

Confirmation message

Customize the confirmation message, which guests will see immediately after booking online. This message will also be shown within the guest's confirmation email. Here's an example of a confirmation email for an Experience.

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 5.56.21 PM.png

Reminder email and text

To remind guests of their upcoming visit, or to share important information before their arrival, enable reminder emails and/or text messages for an offering. Customize the number of days prior to the reservation you’d like reminders sent, or if you'd prefer for them to be sent same day. Here's an example of a reminder email for an Experience:

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 6.08.38 PM.png

Note: Text messaging is not available on all plans. Please contact to learn more.

Post-visit email

Thank guests for their recent visit by automatically sending a post-visit email with a custom message. Collect feedback from guests as they rate their experience on a five-star scale. After responding, guests have an option to leave comments for you to review; this feedback is completely private and only seen by you. We never publish their response publicly. This email will be sent the day after their visit. Here's is an example of a Post-Visit email:

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 6.12.20 PM.png

See Post-Visit Communications and Guest Reviews to learn more.


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