Note: This feature is only supported for businesses using Blueprints reservation management.

Applying your Blueprint puts reservation availability on your Timeline. 

If you’re using Availability Planning style reservation management, view the Availability Planning articles to set up your Schedule.

Before you Begin

  • Add your tables, Sections, Rooms.
  • Set Reservation Hours and Turn Times.
  • Configure the Blueprint.

Applying the Blueprint

Before applying a Blueprint, ensure you've added your tables, Sections, Rooms, Reservation Hours and Turn Times, and configured the Blueprint. To apply the Blueprint to a date range:

  1. Click Apply all to dates in the top-right.
  2. Click the date range where you'd like to apply the Blueprint. 
  3. Click the days of the week where you'd like to apply this Blueprint.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click dates to exclude from this application. The calendar squares will turn red once selected.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Apply Blueprint.
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