Using the passcode feature on your Dashboard prevents team members with the Host role from taking certain actions without approval. To approve a restricted action, a manager must enter their passcode on the screen.
Specific passcode-protected actions
Once the feature is enabled, the following actions will be available to Hosts, but will require a manager’s passcode.
Booking on a table combination that's not offered online.
Adding tables and unassigned reservations.
Editing a reservation's date.
Editing a reservation's time.
Editing a reservation's size.
Excluding a party from pacing limits.
Shuffle booked reservation table assignments at any given time.
Complete a booking with waive or pay later option.
- Overbooking on a table and booking a reservation on a blocked time.
Comps, refunds, and discounts
Booking a reservation with a comp or discount.
Comping a reservation or editing a reservation to a lower price.
Cancelling a booked reservation with a refund.
Credit Card Holds
- Charging payment hold on a no-show reservation.
- Refunding payment hold on a charged no-show reservation.
Customize passcode-protected actions
To customize passcode-protected actions, click the Control Panel tab, then click Team. At the top of the page, click Show restricted actions. From this page, Admins and Account Owners can enable or disable specific actions that require a passcode.
To set and reset passwords for members of your team, scroll down to the list of team members. Click Create passcode for new passcodes, or click the 3 horizontal dots to edit or remove an existing passcode.