The Referral source report tracks reservations that are booked from a source tagged with a UTM source code. 

This report is not exhaustive, as a UTM source code must be added and clicks must result in a completed booking for the data to show in the Referral Source report.

For example, if a guest goes directly to, there is not a utm-source in that URL, so that booking will not be logged in the Referral Source report. If a guest books through a link with the utm-source placed directly after search, such as, then the reservation will be logged. 

Note: This report is filtered by the date of service.

Using the Referral Source report

To view your Referral Source report:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Reports.
  2. Click Referral Source.
  3. Using the date picker, select the service date or date range. 

  4. View the report in your Dashboard, or click the download icon to download as a .csv file to easily sort information.

Checking for utm-source code in URL hyperlinks

To view the utm-source code in URL hyperlinks:

  1. Find the address bar of your browser.
  2. Add the URL.
  3. Locate the utm-source code.

For example, the utm-source code below tracks traffic coming from The completed booking will be labeled 'Tock' in the report. The utm-source code within the URL is highlighted in pink:

Welcome to Tock - Reservations - US Tock 2024-08-02 at 11.39.13 AM.jpg

Referral Source Glossary

  • Tock: Guest booked on Tock directly by searching on 
  • Search: Guest booked through a search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. 
  • Tock Mailing List: Guest booked through marketing email from Tock.
  • Tock Widget:  Guest booked through the Tock widget.
  • Referral: Traffic coming from other sites outside of Tock. This could be a number of sources, including your own site, partner sites, etc.
  • Waitlist: Guest booked from a waitlist email notification.
Note: If Facebook/Instagram are not tagged with UTM codes in the URL, then those reservations would fall under Referral. If a UTM code is attached, then those reservations would be listed under that UTM tag.
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