Note: This report is not available for all customers. If this report is not visible on your Dashboard, view Reconciling Stripe Payouts in Tock for more information.

After money is collected through Tock, payouts will reflect within the Reports tab of your Dashboard. 

Viewing your payout structure

Your payout structure is a timeframe for when payouts will be deposited into your bank account.

To view your payout structure from the Reports tab:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Reports.
  2. Click Bank Payouts.
  3. View your payout structure at the top of the report.


To view your payout structure from the Plan and Billing tab:

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Plan and Billing.
  2. View your payout structure within the Payout Account section.

Viewing payout reports

The Bank Payouts report documents money deposited into your bank account. 

Past and upcoming payout reports 

Payouts populate in Tock once they’ve settled through our processor. 

  1. From the Dashboard, click the Reports tab.
  2. Click Bank Payouts.
  3. Select a date range using the date picker. 



Payouts that have not yet been scheduled

Use the Daily Details report to view payouts related to a service that has not yet been scheduled.

  1. From the Dashboard, click the Reports tab.
  2. Click Daily Details.
  3. Using the date picker, select the service date or date range.
  4. View the report in your Dashboard, or download as a .csv file to easily sort information.

If the “Bank payout ID” and “Bank payout date” columns are blank, the monies are still in the process of being settled, and a payout date will be scheduled in accordance with your payout structure and terms of use.

Note: If edits are made to bookings after the date of service, that result in additional charges or refunds, the monies from these updates will be reflected in the next scheduled payout.

Reconciling payouts

The Daily Details report, which is organized by the date of service, can be used to reconcile payouts. Note that, when viewing these reports,  payouts for gifted transfers will display  guest details for the original purchaser, not the current guest. To learn more, visit Viewing Your Daily Details Report. 

Reconciling Bank Payouts with Daily Details

To reconcile the Bank Payout report with the Daily Details report:

  1. From the Dashboard, click the Reports tab.
  2. Click Bank Payout.
  3. Find the Experience Date column within your Bank Payout report, and take note of the date or date range listed.
  4. Next, click Daily Details.
  5. Select the date or date range that was listed in the Experience Date column within the Bank Payout report.

Bank Payout Report Glossary 

  • Type - denotes whether a transaction is a payment or refund. 
  • ID - the unique identifier for a payment deposit into your payout account.
  • Payout Date - the date a payment is deposited into your payout account. To view payout details for a specific transaction or booking, filter this report by the Bank Payout Date field in either the Transactions report or Daily Details. 
  • Gross - total revenue, listed as a positive value for payments and a negative value for refunds.
  • Payment Processing Fees - total credit card processing fees. 
  • Tock Fee - monies assessed by Tock on each purchase, plus the Tock Order Fee (if applicable). More details regarding Tock fees for your specific plan can be found on the Plan and Billing page of the Dashboard. 
  • Net - the total amount deposited into your payout account. The Net Payout Amount equals the Gross Payment, minus the Payment Processing Fee and Tock Fee (also minus Sales Tax Retained for states with required Marketplace Facilitator laws).
  • Transaction Date and Transaction Time - the date and time of purchase. 
  • Payment Processor ID - the unique payment processing identifier for an individual transaction.
  • Guest Email and Guest Name - the email and name of the original reservation owner. Payouts for transferred bookings will show guest details for the original purchaser, not the current guest.
  • Experience - the name of the Experience, Event, or To-go offering booked. 
  • Experience Date and Experience Time - the date and time of the reservation.
  • Confirmation Code - the unique identifier for a booking. Search this code on the Dashboard to quickly find the related guest profile and booking details. 
  • Subtotal - total sales of an Experience price, plus Add-ons. 
  • Service Charge - the required percentage-based charge paid by guests for bookings, set within each offering.
  • Tax - total taxes collected.
  • Future Payout Amount - any monies for transactions that are still pending payout. Please review your payout structure on the Plan and Billing page of your Dashboard.
  • Sales Tax Retained - for states with required Marketplace Facilitator laws, this column notes taxes that Tock retains and remits on your behalf.
  • Gratuity - optional percentage-based gratuity paid by guests on each booking.
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