Note: This feature is not available on all plans. Please contact to learn more about plan offerings.

Pre-visit questions can be used to gather information about a guest’s upcoming visit, such as dietary restrictions, table preferences, and special occasions. Visit tags and notes will automatically appear on the reservation based on the question type and guest responses. 


Creating pre-visit questions

Pre-visit questions are created and configured per experience.

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Experiences.
  2. Select the Experience, then click the Pre-visit questions tab.
  3. Click Add question
  4. Start with a pre-built template from the question library or create a custom question.
  5. Tock offers four types of questions:
  • Free-form text box: the guest may include a longer response that will automatically appear as a visit note on the reservation.
  • Single line text box: the guest may include a short, one line response that will automatically appear as a visit note on the reservation.
  • Multiple select: the guest may select multiple options from a list that automatically appear as visit tags on the reservation. A list of 7 or more options will display as a dropdown to the guest.

  • Single select: the guest selects one option from a list that automatically appears as a visit tag on the reservation. A list of 7 or more options will display as a dropdown to the guest.

Creating from the question library

Note:  Question library templates have been updated to use auto tagging and auto notes. To use the new templates, make sure your existing questions have unique and different short codes.

When adding a new question, choose Create from question library to start with one of three pre-built question templates: Dietary Restrictions, Occasion, and Mobility. Use as is, or edit to fit the restaurant’s needs.


Auto Tagging

With single and multiple select question types, assign a visit tag to a choice selection. When a guest makes a choice selection following check-out, the corresponding visit tag will  automatically appear on the reservation. 

To enable auto tagging:

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Experiences.
  2. Select the Experience, then click the Pre-visit questions tab.
  3. Click Add question
  4. Choose the Multiple select or Single select question type.
  5. In the Choice selections section, create a choice.
  6. In the corresponding Visit tag dropdown, select the desired existing visit tag. If the tag does not exist:
    1. Click Manage tags
    2. Name the tag.
    3. Optionally select an icon.
    4. Click Create new visit tag
    5. In the Visit tag dropdown, select the new tag. 

To disable auto tagging:

  1. In the corresponding Visit tag dropdown, select none

Additional comment box

Single and multiple select question types can optionally include an additional comment box to encourage guests to provide further details about their selection(s). The guest response will automatically appear as a visit note on the reservation.

  1. From the experience, click Add question
  2. Choose the Multiple select or Single select question type.
  3. Switch on the Add an additional free-form text box response toggle. 
  4. Enter the desired title for the field. (This will be visible to guests.)

Note:  Previous questions formatted as "Other," which allowed guests to enter text, have been updated to "add additional text box response.

Additional customization

After all questions have been added, customize additional settings, as needed.

  • Expiration date: set when a guest's pre-visit questions expire. This is helpful in allowing time to plan and prepare based on a  guest's answers.
  • Reminder email: guests who haven't answered pre-visit questions can be reminded to do so with a simple reminder email.
  • Message to guests: include a custom message on the pre-visit questions page shown to guests.

To preview questions, click the Preview questions button in the top-right of the screen. 

Viewing question responses

Within Timeline and Service, reservations with one or more pre-visit questions answered are indicated by a question mark icon


View responses to pre-visit questions within the reservations panel. 

  • Tags: All single and multiple select question responses with auto tags will appear in the Tags section. Identify these tags by the automation icon.

  • Visit notes: All free-form and single line text responses will appear below the Visit notes section, including the question’s short code. 

  • Pre-visit Questions: View pre-visit questions and answers by expanding the Pre-visit questions section. From here, responses can be edited. 


Pre-visit question prompts and timing

Pre-visit questions are first presented to guests at the end of the booking flow, after they’ve completed their transaction. Guests can answer the questions then, or choose to answer them another time. 


Guests who do not respond to questions will be reminded in each email leading up to the reservation. The order of the follow-up emails are:

  • Confirmation email: sent immediately after the reservation is confirmed.
  • Question reminder email: sent prior to the reservation if a guest has not yet answered the questions, at a time configured in the dashboard.
  • Reservation reminder email: sent prior to the reservation, also at a time configured in the dashboard.

After a guest responds to the questions, they will not be reminded to complete them again, and will not be able to edit their answers without reaching out to the business directly. 


Can a guest’s response be edited?

To edit pre-visit question responses:

  1. From the Timeline or Service tab, click on the booking in the Guest list.
  2. In the reservation panel, scroll to the Pre-visit questions section. 
  3. Click Edit responses.
  4. Make the desired changes. 
  5. Click Save.

Can a guest view and edit their responses?

A guest can view their answers, or any updates the business has made to their answers, from their Tock account:

  1. From the account menu, click Your reservations
  2. Click Upcoming and click on the desired reservation. 
  3. In the Pre-visit Questions section, click the View.


A guest cannot update their answers on their own. They will need to reach out to the business directly for assistance.

Can a pre-visit question auto tag be changed or removed?

To update or remove auto tags from pre-visit questions, businesses must update the question responses directly in the Tock dashboard.

Once answered, the single select question type requires a choice to be selected. To prevent or entirely remove an auto tag, provide a choice that does not have an assigned auto tag.

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Experiences.
  2. Select the Experience, then click the Pre-visit questions tab.
  3. Click the question you want to modify.
  4. In the Choice selections section, create a "None" choice.
  5. In the corresponding Visit tag dropdown, select None.

Can a pre-visit question auto note be changed or removed?

To update or remove auto notes from pre-visit questions, update the question responses directly in the Tock dashboard.

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