Adding a Reserve button to your Instagram business profile links guests to your Tock Business Page for a seamless experience to book reservations. 


When adding the Reserve button, the email address of the user currently logged in to Tock and the email address currently logged in to Instagram must be the same.

To add a “Reserve” button on Instagram:

  1. Go to your business profile on Instagram, then click Edit Profile.
  2. Under Public Business Information, click Contact Options.
  3. Click Add an action button.
  4. Select Tock.
  5. When prompted, sign into Tock using the business page URL (for example, 
  6. Click Save.


How many call-to-action buttons can be added to an Instagram Page?

Only one CTA (Call to action) button can be active on Instagram at one time. Other call-to-action buttons must be removed before setting up the Reserve button. 

What role access is required to add a Reserve button to Instagram? 

The user logged into Tock must have an Administrator or Account Owner role access.

Learn More 

For more information, view Instagram’s support article.


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