Google Analytics helps track how your audience finds you and what actions they take once they’re on a website. 

Tock’s Google Analytics integration tracks user Events that occur on your individual Business Page. Before connecting the integration, please follow the set up instructions from Google, if you don’t already have a Google Analytics account. 

Setting up the integration 

To connect your GA4 account on Tock 

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Integrations.
  2. Click Directory.
  3. Find Google Analytics 4, click Manage integration
  4. Enter your GA4 Measurement ID. 
  5. Click Connect. 

Tock Dashboard 2024-01-30 at 5.14.26 PM.jpg


How do I find my GA4 Measurement ID? 

Here’s a Google support article to help you locate the Measurement ID page within GA4. After you have this ID, you can connect the integration on your Tock Dashboard. 

How do I view Tock data within GA4?

In GA4, Tock tracks a “Purchase” event, and will send action details about 24 hours after connecting the integration. This data will become available for you to view in the Reports and Explorations tabs of GA4. Google’s Overview of Google Analytics article will assist you in understanding your data. For further information, we recommend you visit Google’s knowledge center on Google Analytics 4.

What parameters are tracked by Tock within GA4? 

The action parameters for this “Purchase” Event include:

  • businessId
  • businessName
  • businessType
  • businessPriceRange
  • experienceId
  • experienceName
  • experienceVariety
  • hasMobileTicket
  • value
  • transaction_id
  • coupon
  • currency
  • items


Parameter Example Description
value 1.00 The monetary value of this event
transaction_id T_12345 The unique identifier of this transaction
currency USD Currency associated with this transaction
items “The Tasting Menu” The items for the event


How do I set up custom GA4 reports? 

While some event parameters automatically populate in reports, other parameters will require you to create custom dimensions and metrics to see this data in your GA4 reports. If you do not see the parameter you are looking for in reports, see the "Create an event-scoped custom dimension" section of this Google support article for steps on how to add these parameters.


How do I set up cross-domain tracking? 

Cross-domain tracking can be configured within your Google Analytics Admin settings. Google’s set up cross-domain measurement article provides more details on how to set this up.


  • Event - measurable interaction on a website. (e.g., page view, link click, purchase)
  • Purchase - event triggered when a user starts the checkout process and makes a booking on the site.
  • Parameter - specific piece of information collected and connected with each event. (e.g., purchase currency)
  • Dimension - attributes or characteristics that you want to track in reports. Dimensions pull from event parameters. 
  • Metric - quantitative measurement of dimensions (e.g., total clicks)
  • Domain - website name. (e.g., and are 2 different domains)
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