Note: Integrations are available to Premium and Premium Unlimited customers. Please contact to learn more about plan offerings.

The Tock x Facebook Pixel integration allows you to use the analytics tool to understand the actions of your guests on your Tock Business Page. This will not track ad conversions. 

To set up the Pixel integration:

  1. Create and install your Facebook Pixel.
  2. After your Pixel is created, go to the Tock Dashboard, then open the Control Panel. 
  3. Click Integrations.
  4. Click Marketing.
  5. Enter your Pixel ID in the section for Facebook.
  6. Click Save. 

To familiarize yourself with Facebook and the tools and resources it provides, visit the Facebook help center.

If you’d like to add a Reserve button to your business’ Facebook page, this article goes over the steps to complete setup.

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