Note:  This feature is only supported for businesses using Availability Planning reservation management.

Creating a Schedule

Create a schedule with availability planning for start offering reservations. A schedule is a weekly setup including services, a floor plan, experiences, and capacity settings. Once a schedule is created, it can be saved as a draft or published.

  1. From Control Panel, and click Availability Planning.
  2. Click Add Schedule.
    • Give your schedule a name.
    • Select the Start Date and End Date for your schedule. Tock_Dashboard_2023-05-10_at_3.07.58_PM.jpg
  3. To begin floor plan setup, click Continue to floor plan. Review Building Floor Plans for Availability Planning for steps. 
  4. Add Services to your schedule by taking the clicks outlined in our article Adding Services to your Schedule for Availability Planning
Note: Schedules can only be set up to 365 days and multiple schedules can be published at one time as long as the date ranges do not overlap.

Duplicating Schedules

Schedules can be duplicated to easily to extend the date range or make changes without starting from scratch.

  1. From Control Panel click Availability Planning.
  2. Select Duplicate.
  3. Update your schedule name, start date, end date, then click Duplicate.

Existing Reservations

Existing reservations that fall within the dates of a new schedule will be automatically reassigned to tables with the best fit. If a table does not exist that can accommodate that reservation, the reservation will move to the Unassigned reservations section.


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