Note: This feature is available to businesses using Availability Planning reservation management.

After creating services, businesses can configure the Pacing and Turn Times for each service.

Pacing Controls

Pacing allows you to control the flow of guests in your business. Experiences that are excluded from pacing will not be affected by pacing controls. Click here to learn more about excluding experiences from pacing.

Enable and edit pacing limits

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Availability Planning.
  2. Click Edit on the Schedule you want to change, then click Services.
  3. Click on the service you want to edit.
  4. In the edit panel, click the pencil icon for Pacing.
  5. Change the toggle in the upper-right to Enabled.
    • Maximum covers: total in-house and online covers that can start per 15 minutes.
    • Online covers: total online covers that can start per 15 minutes. This number is included in and cannot exceed the maximum (in-house and online covers). 


Using customized pacing limits


Customized pacing allows you to control the flow of guests in specific 15 minute time increments. Configuring customized pacing will override basic pacing values.

  1. Click Customize individual times to open the advanced grid.
  2. In the pacing row at the top of the grid, click the specific time you want to modify pacing for.
    • Customize the pacing values for a single time, while noting what the basic pacing values are for the remainder of the schedule.
  3. Times with customized pacing configured will have a gray slash indicator.
  4. You can always revert times back to defaults if needed.
    • Select Revert this time to default to reset that specific time back to the basic pacing value.
    • Select Revert all pacing times to default to reset the schedule back to basic pacing values.
  5. In the edit service panel, view when pacing is enabled and/or customized pacing is configured within each service.
  6. Remove customized pacing overrides by clicking on the pencil icon and selecting the remove button within the pacing panel.

Setting a maximum capacity

Configure a maximum capacity that controls how many guests can be seated in your business at any given time.

  1. From Control Panel, select Availability.
  2. Click Maximum capacity.
    • Toggle the switch to enabled.
    • Enter the maximum number of guests you can have seated in your business at any given time.
    • This setting can be configured in addition to basic pacing. 

Setting turn times

Turn times control how long a reservation is booked for and thus blocks additional reservations from being made on the same table. Turns are displayed visually in Timeline and in a Schedule. Turn times are configured per party size for a specific time range and can be adjusted for each experience offered.

  1. From Control Panel, select Availability Planning.
  2. Select the schedule that you want to Edit and navigate to Services.
  3. Click on the service you want to edit.
  4. In the edit panel, click Turn Times.
    • Click on the pencil icon to open the turn times panel
    • Configure turn times in 15 minute increments from 1 person to 12 or more people.

Using advanced turn times

Control experiences offering different turn times. 

  1. To configure advanced turn times by experience or by time range, click Edit advanced turn times.
  2. To configure turn times by Experience, select the experience you want to modify in the drop down and then click Add experience.
  3. To configure different turn times for a particular time range for an experience:
    • Click Add new range at the bottom of the experience you want to modify.
    • Click the Start time and End time you want for that experience. 
  4. To configure turn times by time range across all experiences, select Turns by time range and then click Add time range.
    • Configure different turn times for a specific time range or ranges within that service. 
  5. Review advanced turn times configured within the edit service panel.
  6. To remove advanced turn times, select Edit advanced turn times.
    • Click on the trash icon next to the advanced setting you want to remove. 

Setting up the Optimize Table Availability feature

The Optimize Table Availability feature allows you to automatically release availability for blocked or in-house tables a set amount of time prior to the start of service.

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Availability Planning.
  2. Click Edit for the Schedule you'd like to edit. 
  3. Click the Services tab, then click on the service you want to optimize tables for.
  4. In the left panel, click the pencil icon for Optimize table availability.

  5. Switch the toggle to Enabled.
  6. Select the amount of Time prior to service for tables to automatically switch to available online.
  7. Click Add tables or Adjust Tables to select specific tables to optimize.
  8. Click on a table. If it is Offered in-house only or set to Block table, you'll be able to select Optimize table availability.

  9. Tables with Optimize table availability enabled will display a blue shaded icon.
  10. When each service is completed, Publish the Schedule.

Optimized Tables on Timeline

On the Timeline, tables with this setting configured will be outlined in blue.

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