Note: This feature is only supported for businesses using Availability Planning reservation management. 

In Availability Planning schedules, each service can be edited using the Table Availability view or the Advanced Grid.

Accessing the Advanced Grid 

The Advanced Grid shows the Table Availability for a service similar to how it will be displayed in the Timeline. Using the Advanced Grid provides access to all the same settings as the Table Availability view, with a few additional options: 

  • Add/Remove blocks to tables for single times or time ranges.
  • Configure advanced Pacing settings.
  • Configure the Unassigned Reservation section of this service.

To access the Advanced Grid:

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Availability Planning.
  2. Click Edit for the Schedule you want to modify, or create a new one.
  3. Click Services in the top panel.
  4. Click on the service to edit.
  5. Click the pencil icon next to Table Availability
  6. Select Advanced grid in the top-left corner to access the Advanced Grid.

From the Advanced Grid, all tables are displayed by section and the bookable times for this service. Sections can be collapsed to a condensed view.

Editing a single table

By clicking on the table name/number, review per table actions:

  1. Toggle the table to Active or Inactive.
    • Active tables will be applied to Timeline and Service view.
    • Inactive tables will only apply to Service view.
  2. Select the experience applied to that table.
  3. Select whether the table is offered online, in-house only, or completely blocked.
  4. Apply or Remove partial blocks to that table.

Applying Partial Blocks 

  1. Click on the table to edit and select Apply blocks.
  2. Click on the time the block will start and end.
  3. Select Apply blocks in the upper right hand corner. 

Note: A time specific table block does not allow for reservations to start within the blocked time, but they can still fall within the blocked time.

Removing Blocks 

  1. Click on the table to edit and select Remove blocks.
  2. Click on the start and end time of the block.
  3. Select Remove blocks in the upper right corner.
  4. Removing the table completely will set it to inactive.

Optimize table availability 

The optimize table availability feature allows you to set tables that are marked as in-house only and release these tables to the public to book reservations at a set time before the reservation if not already booked. Review Using Optimize Table Availability to configure optimize table availability. 

Editing Availability for Multi-Experience tables

Note: Multi-experience tables are not available on all plans. Please contact to learn more about plan offerings.

From the Advanced Grid, seamlessly edit tables which offer multiple experiences.

  1. From the Control Panel tab, click Availability Planning.
  2. Click the Edit button on the Schedule.
  3. Click Services in the top panel.
  4. Click directly on the service you want to edit, then click the pencil icon for Table Availability.
  5. Select Advanced grid in the top-left corner to access the Advanced Grid.

Editing availability time ranges for multi-experience tables

  1. In the upper-right corner, click Edit availability, then select Edit experiences from the dropdown menu.

  1. Choose to Apply or Remove an experience.
  2. Select an experience, then select the starting and ending times for experience availability. Determine which tables to apply or remove the experience by either selecting the tables directly on the grid, or selecting entire sections in the right panel.
  3. Click Apply experience to make the changes.

View Setting up Multi-Experience Tables to learn more about configuration for this feature.

Editing directly on the grid

Editing directly in the advanced grid allows for a variety of changes to be made.

  1. In the dropdown at the top of the screen, select an experience.
  2. Click and drag to apply or remove the experience directly on the grid.

Alternatively, follow these steps to Edit Availability:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click Edit availability, then select Edit experiences from the dropdown menu.
  2. Choose to Apply or Remove an experience.
  3. Select an experience.

Click Edit single time slots to apply or remove the experience from the grid.


Editing multiple tables or slots

Edit multiple tables by using the three vertical dots icon at the top-right corner of the advanced grid. Editing multiple tables allows the following batch actions:

  • For multiple tables:
    • Update the experience applied .
    • Apply or Remove Blocks.
    • Mark tables active or inactive.
  • For multiple unassigned slots: 
    • Edit prices.
    • Remove availability. 

Updating the experience applied 

  1. Select Edit multiple tables. 
  2. Select the tables you want to update. 
  3. Select the Experience from the drop down menu. 
  4. Select Apply edits.

Applying Blocks 

  1. Click the three vertical dots icon, click Apply blocks.
  2. To add blocks:
    • Edit single time block - for blocking a single time on one table at a time.
    • Block online availability - for blocking an entire floor plan section of tables for a specific time range.
  3. Close the menu to save changes.

Removing Blocks 

  1. Click the three vertical dots icon and click Remove blocks.
  2. Choose how you would like to remove blocks:
    • Edit single time block - for unblocking a single time on one table at a time. 
    • Block online availability - for unblocking an entire floor plan section of tables for a specific time range.
  3. Close the menu to save your changes.

Marking tables active or inactive 

  1. Select the three vertical dots icon.
  2. Choose to Mark tables active or Mark tables inactive.
    • Active tables will be applied to Timeline and Service view.
    • Inactive tables will only apply to Service view.
  3. Close the menu once you’ve made your updates. 

Editing prices 

  1. Select the three vertical dots icon, select to Edit prices.
  2. Select the unassigned slots and edit the price.
  3. Apply edits once completed.

Removing availability 

  1. Select the three vertical dots icon, select to Remove availability. 
  2. Select the unassigned slots you would like to remove.
  3. Select Remove button to complete.

Customizing advanced pacing 

Configure custom pacing for each 15 min increment of a service. View Configuring Pacing the learn more about setting up basic and advanced pacing.

Adding and Editing Unassigned reservation slots 

Unassigned reservation slots add flexibility to reservation offerings without specific table assignments. Unassigned reservation slots will only be offered at a single time the slot is built. 

To set up Unassigned reservations:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Advanced grid to the Unassigned reservation section.
  2. Click on the + icon to create an unassigned slot.
  3. The following actions can be taking to edit an Unassigned slot: 
    • Assign the experience.
    • Set table size, party minimum, and maximum.
    • Enable or disable the Make communal option.
    • Choose whether the slot accepts Even party sizes only.
    • Choose whether the slot will Allow stragglers.
    • Choose whether you want to Hold the slot's availability. 
    • Remove the unassigned slot if desired.
  4. Click Save in the top-right. 
  5. Publish your schedule.


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