Note: Integrations are available to Premium and Premium Unlimited customers. Please contact to learn more about plan offerings.
Tock partners with Tripleseat to offer a real-time, one-way integration that brings Tripleseat Events into Tock as reservations.
Getting Started
To connect the Tripleseat Events integration, take the following steps within your Tock Dashboard:
Connect the integration
- From Tock’s Control Panel, click Integrations, then click Directory.
- Ensure you are logged in to both Tock and Tripleseat with the same email address. The email address must belong to a Tock user with Administrator-level access or higher.
- Scroll down to the Tripleseat Events card, then click Connect.
- Once you are redirected to Tripleseat, confirm Tock access authorization.
Return to the Tock’s Control Panel. Click Integrations, then click Connected.
- The Integration card should show as Paused - reload your browser page if needed.
- Click Tripleseat Events.
- Select the location and click Connect.
Map Tripleseat rooms to Tock tables
Events will be assigned to Tock tables based on this mapping.
- From Tock’s Control Panel, click Integrations, then click Connected.
- Click Tripleseat Events.
- Click the blue X linked text next to the room name you’d like to map.
- Check the box for each table that should be mapped to the selected Tripleseat room.
- Repeat for each room as needed.
- Click Save.
Activate and test the integration
- From Tock’s Control Panel, click Integrations, then click Connected.
- Click Tripleseat Events.
- Add a contact email to receive integration related communication.
- Switch on the toggle for Enable integration.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to your Tripleseat Admin Dashboard.
- Click Events in the left-side navigation menu.
- Click + New Event
- Enter required fields, including location, room, and contact with a status of Tentative or Definite.
- Click Create.
- From the Tock Dashboard, click the Reservations tab.
- Using the date picker at the top of the screen, navigate to the date of your event.
- Confirm that your test event created a Tock reservation.
- Navigate to Tripleseat and update event status to Lost.
- Confirm that the associated reservation is now canceled on Tock.
Import future events
Events for two years into the future will be imported into Tock as reservations. If any Tripleseat event reservations already exist on Tock, the existing reservation will be updated to reflect the current event state on Tripleseat.
- From Tock’s Control Panel, click Integrations, then click Connected.
- Click Tripleseat Events.
- Scroll down past the table mapping section.
- Click Import future bookings.
- See Tripleseat reservations populate on Tock within 10 minutes.
Learn More
To learn more, view these articles: