Creating custom statuses

There are two primary party statuses: expected and seated. Custom statuses that are business specific can be added.

  1. Visit Control Panel and select the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Party statuses section.
  3. Click Add another status under either "Expected statuses" or "Seated statuses".
  4. Select a color to represent the new status and name it.

Changing party statuses

From the guest list

  1. Visit Timeline or Service within Reservations.
  2. To change a party status from the guest list:
    • Click the party in the guest list and use the party status dropdown in the left panel.
    • On touch devices, long press on the party in the guest list and use the party status dropdown in the popover.
    • Right click on the party in the guest list and use the party status dropdown in the popover.

From a table

  1. Visit Timeline or Service within Reservations.
  2. Find the seated party on the floor plan.
  3. To change a party status:
    • Click on the table and select the party status from dropdown in the left panel.
    • On touch devices, long press on the table and use the party status dropdown in the popover.
    • Right click on a table and use the party status dropdown in the popover.

Learn More

To review updates to party statuses, review the Dashboard video clip here.

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