From Timeline, businesses can manage bookings and view availability for a single date. The Timeline consists of a grid format, with tables on the left and times at the top. Available times are indicated by square tiles, blocks are indicated by a diagonal stripe pattern, and unavailable times are indicated by open space. When bookings are made, they are automatically assigned to tables, based on availability.
To go to Timeline, click the Reservations tab, then click Timeline.
Understanding Timeline features
Tables and sections
The left column of Timeline contains a list of table names, party size range, and organized by section.
See Building Floor Plans for Availability Planning for more details on configuring tables and sections.
Bookings and party status
The color of each reservation tile represents the current party status.
See Configuring Party Statuses for more details on customizing party status names and colors.
Overbooked reservations are outlined in red. The table name will also be outlined in red to ensure your team can see this quickly in case it needs to be resolved by assigning one of the reservations to another table.
See Overbooking a Table for more details on overbookings.
Availability and blocks
Availability and blocks are represented on the Timeline in a grid format.
Available times are displayed as square tiles:
Unavailable times are displayed as blank:
Blocked times are displayed as a diagonal stripe pattern:
Unassigned reservations
Unassigned reservations are reservations that could not be pre-assigned to a table. These reservations appear at the top of Timeline. See Re-Assigning and Seating Parties for more details on unassigned reservations.
Pacing and occupancy
A summary of pacing and occupancy can be found at the bottom of Timeline
Pacing shows you how many covers are scheduled to arrive in each 15 minute time increment, as well as the maximum number of covers that can reserve each time increment. For example, “5/10” means 5 covers are scheduled to arrive out of a maximum of 10.
Covers within a pacing-excluded experience will not be included in the count. For example, occupancy will only display covers based on experiences that have pacing included
Use the Timeline key below to identify reservation inventory types and table prioritization.